Cats is the 2019 film adaptation of the incredibly popular Broadway musical (and I do mean “incredibly” because why the fuck is it so big) and boy was that an… experience.
Ok this movie was bad. I have so many questions for Tom Hooper (the director) and for Universal. Why did this get greenlit? Why spend $100 million on it? Why did you advertise TSwizzle in it when she’s barely in it? Why couldn’t they either go full on actual cats or have actors in costumes like the musical? And the biggest question of them all: Why Cats?
The cats are humans who have ears whiskers and fur, but not on their hands, because they want me to have nightmares. Rebel Wilson and James Corden are in an SNL sketch about Cats. Jennifer Hudson and Judi Dench are vying for Oscars. Taylor Swift is just excited. Everyone else is far too serious and Ian McKellen is the only person playing a cat. Cats is already the weirdest musical ever and I don’t get why it is so popular, but the movie is worse. I’m going to be thinking about this film for years (can we even call it a film.
Overall, literally everyone should absolutely see this movie because you have to see it to believe it. I don’t know if I want it to flop or make a billion dollars. But it will definitely do one or the other, there is no in-between.